How do architecture and interior design impact emotion?
Aug, 3 2023

How do architecture and interior design impact emotion?

Hey there, fellow design enthusiasts! Ever walked into a room and suddenly felt happier, more relaxed, or even slightly overwhelmed? No, it's not just you - it's the magic of architecture and interior design! These art forms can truly play with our emotions, working like a charm, from the strategic use of colors that can tickle our mood, to the clever space management that can make us feel comfy and cozy even in the smallest of apartments. So, next time you're thinking of painting your walls black, remember it's not just a color choice, it's a psychological journey - buckle up!

What are some canonical texts in the field of Interior Design?
Jul, 25 2023

What are some canonical texts in the field of Interior Design?

In the field of interior design, there are several canonical texts that are considered essential. "The Decoration of Houses" by Edith Wharton and Ogden Codman is a classic that emphasizes simplicity and balance. "Interior Design Illustrated" by Francis D.K. Ching and Corky Binggeli is a comprehensive guide to design principles and space planning. "A History of Interior Design" by John Pile delves into the evolution of interior design throughout history. Lastly, "The Elements of Style" by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White, while not specific to design, is a must-read for its lessons in clarity and communication, which are key in presenting design ideas.

What is interior design? How can I have a career in it?
Jul, 23 2023

What is interior design? How can I have a career in it?

Interior design is a creative field that involves designing and enhancing indoor spaces to make them functional and aesthetically pleasing. To pursue a career in this industry, you'll need to develop a strong sense of style, spatial awareness, and technical skills, usually through a degree in interior design or a related field. Practical experience, such as internships or entry-level jobs, can further build your portfolio. Professional certification can also boost your career. Remember, success in this field relies heavily on creativity, attention to detail, and excellent communication skills.

How to decorate a living room with post modern style?
May, 7 2023

How to decorate a living room with post modern style?

In my recent blog post, I explored how to decorate a living room with a post-modern style. I discussed the importance of choosing the right color palette, incorporating unique furniture pieces, and blending various textures and materials. I also highlighted the significance of adding statement art and lighting to make the space truly one-of-a-kind. Lastly, I shared some practical tips on how to balance functionality and aesthetics to create a comfortable yet stylish living room. Check out the full post for detailed guidance and inspiration!

Is online interior course helpful?
Mar, 9 2023

Is online interior course helpful?

An online interior course can be a useful tool for those interested in learning more about interior design. It can provide students with an interactive, comprehensive, and affordable way to learn the basics of interior design, as well as more advanced concepts. The course can also provide students with access to experienced professionals who can provide personalized advice and guidance. Additionally, an online course can provide students with a variety of resources, such as videos, tutorials, and webinars, to supplement their learning. Ultimately, an online interior course can be an invaluable resource for those who are eager to learn more about the field of interior design.

What is the age limit to become an interior designer?
Feb, 20 2023

What is the age limit to become an interior designer?

Interior design is a profession that requires a combination of creative and technical skills. To become an interior designer, there is no set age limit. Generally, the accepted age range for interior designers is between 18 and 65. Individuals can become interior designers earlier if they have enough experience and knowledge. Many factors, such as local regulations, may also apply. It is important to research the requirements in the area where one wishes to become an interior designer.